Observation Type List
Query parameters
Text filter on the code
field. All text field filter methods,
like startswith
, endswith
, icontains
are supported.
Text filter on parameter
field. All text field filter methods,
like startswith
, endswith
, icontains
are supported.
Text filter on unit
field. All text field filter methods,
like startswith
, endswith
, icontains
are supported.
Temporal filter on created
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; created__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
Temporal filter on last_modified
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; last_modified__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
?parameter__icontains=In bedrijf
Creating an invitation requires a POST to a list url:
POST api/v4/observationtypes/
Request body example:
code": "gwaterlvl_mMSL",
parameter": "Water level",
unit": "m",
scale": "interval",
"description": "Water level in meters with Mean Sea Level (MSL)
as reference datum, measured in groundwater (GW)
and displayed as a line chart (interval).",
"reference_frame": "MSL",
"compartment": "GW"
Where scale can be one of the following values:
, ordinal
, interval
, ratio
GET /api/v4/observationtypes/?format=api&page=2
https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/?format=api&page=3", "previous": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/?format=api", "results": [ { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/13/?format=api", "id": 13, "code": "WNS8874", "parameter": "Windsnelheid", "unit": "m/s", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "", "compartment": "NT", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/14/?format=api", "id": 14, "code": "WNS9688", "parameter": "Waterhoogte", "unit": "m", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "NAP", "compartment": "AW", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/15/?format=api", "id": 15, "code": "WNSZZL9001", "parameter": "Debiet", "unit": "m3/15min", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": null, "compartment": null, "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2020-03-20T18:49:58.858571Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/28/?format=api", "id": 28, "code": "WNS9040", "parameter": "Stijghoogte", "unit": "m", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "NAP", "compartment": "GW", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/29/?format=api", "id": 29, "code": "WNS8973", "parameter": "Stijghoogte", "unit": "cm", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "MAAIVD", "compartment": "GW", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/31/?format=api", "id": 31, "code": "WNS8488", "parameter": "Stijghoogte", "unit": "m", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "NAP", "compartment": "GW", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/32/?format=api", "id": 32, "code": "Q.berekend", "parameter": "Debiet", "unit": "m3/s", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": null, "compartment": null, "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2020-03-20T18:50:55.235022Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/34/?format=api", "id": 34, "code": "WNS9030", "parameter": "Elektrische stroom", "unit": "A", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "", "compartment": "NT", "created": "2015-06-19T09:47:29.345611Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/36/?format=api", "id": 36, "code": "WNS1400", "parameter": "Neerslag", "unit": "mm", "scale": "ratio", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "", "compartment": "NT", "created": "2015-08-06T15:16:49.002578Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/37/?format=api", "id": 37, "code": "WNS1400.5m", "parameter": "Neerslag", "unit": "mm", "scale": "ratio", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "", "compartment": "NT", "created": "2015-08-06T15:57:53.478324Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" } ] }{ "count": 8132, "next": "