Query parameters

code Text filter on the code field. All text field filter methods, like startswith, endswith, icontains are supported.

parameter Text filter on parameter field. All text field filter methods, like startswith, endswith, icontains are supported.

unit Text filter on unit field. All text field filter methods, like startswith, endswith, icontains are supported.

created: Temporal filter on created. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; created__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

last_modified: Temporal filter on last_modified. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; last_modified__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.



?parameter__icontains=In bedrijf





Creating an invitation requires a POST to a list url:

POST api/v4/observationtypes/

Request body example:

code": "gwaterlvl_mMSL",
parameter": "Water level",
unit": "m",
scale": "interval",
"description": "Water level in meters with Mean Sea Level (MSL)
    as reference datum, measured in groundwater (GW)
    and displayed as a line chart (interval).",
"reference_frame": "MSL",
"compartment": "GW"

Where scale can be one of the following values: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio.

GET /api/v4/observationtypes/?page=810
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 8126,
    "next": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/?page=811",
    "previous": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/?page=809",
    "results": [
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9134/",
            "id": 9134,
            "code": "WNS627",
            "parameter": "",
            "unit": "l/h",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-03-26T10:39:07.127548Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-03-26T10:39:07.127529Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9135/",
            "id": 9135,
            "code": "WNS5439",
            "parameter": "",
            "unit": "ug/l",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-04-30T14:29:16.853404Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-04-30T14:29:16.853379Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9136/",
            "id": 9136,
            "code": "gwaterlvl_mMSL",
            "parameter": "Water level",
            "unit": "m",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "Water level in meters with Mean Sea Level (MSL)\r\n    as reference datum, measured in groundwater (GW)\r\n    and displayed as a line chart (interval).",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": "MSL",
            "compartment": "GW",
            "created": "2024-05-08T11:47:31.051779Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-05-08T11:47:31.051759Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9137/",
            "id": 9137,
            "code": "H.getij",
            "parameter": "Astronomisch getij",
            "unit": "m",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "Astronomisch getij zonder windopzet",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": "MSL",
            "compartment": "OW",
            "created": "2024-05-08T15:08:09.982810Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-05-08T15:08:09.982796Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9138/",
            "id": 9138,
            "code": "osm landuse / landcover",
            "parameter": "landcover",
            "unit": "-",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "OSM Landuse / Landcover for each country of the European Union and United Kingdom. Created by classifying Sentinel-2 imagery using a deep learning model trained on OpenStreetMap (OSM) land use and land cover features.",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-07-11T08:33:14.757870Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-07-11T08:33:14.757857Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9139/",
            "id": 9139,
            "code": "Manning",
            "parameter": "Manning",
            "unit": "(m^1/3)/(s)",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-07-11T13:58:21.451702Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-07-11T13:58:21.451691Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9140/",
            "id": 9140,
            "code": "WYLD",
            "parameter": "Water yield",
            "unit": "mm",
            "scale": "ratio",
            "description": "",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-07-12T09:55:46.356079Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-07-12T09:55:46.356067Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9141/",
            "id": 9141,
            "code": "RHG_class",
            "parameter": "Water level",
            "unit": "",
            "scale": "nominal",
            "description": "0 = buitengebied/geen stijging; 1 = <= 0.3m; 2 = 0.3-0.6m; 3 = >0.6m",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": "",
            "compartment": "",
            "created": "2024-08-06T08:20:39.002097Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-08-06T08:20:39.002082Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9142/",
            "id": 9142,
            "code": "WNS14715",
            "parameter": "",
            "unit": "ug/l",
            "scale": "interval",
            "description": "",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": null,
            "compartment": null,
            "created": "2024-09-02T10:20:54.505080Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-09-02T10:20:54.505062Z"
            "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/9143/",
            "id": 9143,
            "code": "WNS381",
            "parameter": "Schakelingen",
            "unit": "n",
            "scale": "ratio",
            "description": "Aantal (integer) schakelingen van meetobject (e.g. een pomp die aan en uitgaat)",
            "domain_values": null,
            "reference_frame": "",
            "compartment": "NT",
            "created": "2024-09-04T11:15:55.110076Z",
            "last_modified": "2024-09-04T11:15:55.110062Z"