Pressure Pipe List
List assets of type PressurePipe
Query parameters:
Filter by organisation. Supports lookups on uuid
and name
Exact filter on the code
field. The (case-sensitive) startswith
lookup is also supported.
Temporal filter on created
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; created__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
Temporal filter on last_modified
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; last_modified__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
The following lookups are available: isnull
, contained
, contains
, covered_by
, covers
, crosses
, disjoint
, intersects
, overlaps
, and within
Query geometries can be supplied as WKT, EWKT or HEXEWKB.
Filter on geometry of the region/boundary with the id boundary__id
For a list of regions/boundaries, see the boundary endpoint /api/v4/boundaries/
Filter on geometry of the region/boundary with the id boundary__code
For a list of regions/boundaries, see the boundary endpoint /api/v4/boundaries/
Spatial filter on geometry
, whereby geometry is specified by a
region/boundary object (see below) and filter operator is
ST_Intersects. Available types are COUNTRY, PROVINCE, WATER_BOARD,
Filter on name of the region/boundary with the name
. Requires boundary__type
For a list of regions/boundaries, see the boundary endpoint /api/v4/boundaries/
simplify: Simplify the query geometries (in WGS84) using this value as tolerance. A higher value may result in a better response time for detailed geometries. Defaults to 0.00001 degrees (approx. 1 meter). NB: Returned geometries are unaffected.
The number of results on a single page. Defaults to 10, maximum is 100.
Note that pagination is disabled for the root endpoint: the response
will be truncated to page_size
Custom route: search
Full-text search in 'code' and 'name' fields. Results are ranked.
?geometry__intersects=POINT (5 52)
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