Colormap Instance
Endpoint (read-only) for listing predefined colormaps.
A colormap is used when rendering rasters in the WMS endpoint.
GET /api/v4/colormaps/whymap/?format=api", "name": "whymap", "description": "Extern", "definition": { "data": [ [ 11, [ 204, 242, 255, 255 ] ], [ 12, [ 153, 227, 255, 255 ] ], [ 13, [ 115, 191, 242, 255 ] ], [ 14, [ 76, 166, 217, 255 ] ], [ 15, [ 30, 135, 204, 255 ] ], [ 22, [ 204, 242, 204, 255 ] ], [ 23, [ 166, 209, 163, 255 ] ], [ 24, [ 129, 179, 143, 255 ] ], [ 25, [ 95, 155, 120, 255 ] ], [ 33, [ 244, 225, 173, 255 ] ], [ 34, [ 186, 168, 125, 255 ] ], [ 88, [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ] ] ], "type": "DiscreteColormap", "labels": { "en_EN": [ [ 11, "BGR - Major groundwater basin: very low recharge" ], [ 12, "BGR - Major groundwater basin: low recharge" ], [ 13, "BGR - Major groundwater basin: medium recharge" ], [ 14, "BGR - Major groundwater basin: high recharge" ], [ 15, "BGR - Major groundwater basin: very high recharge" ], [ 22, "BGR - Complex hydrogeol. struct.: low recharge" ], [ 23, "BGR - Complex hydrogeol. struct.: medium recharge" ], [ 24, "BGR - Complex hydrogeol. struct.: high recharge" ], [ 25, "BGR - Complex hydrogeol. struct.: very high recharge" ], [ 33, "BGR - Local and shallow aquifers: very low recharge" ], [ 34, "BGR - Local and shallow aquifers: high recharge" ], [ 88, "BGR - Continuous ice sheet" ] ] } } }{ "url": "