Raster Instance
API endpoint for rasterlayer objects.
Rasterlayers visualise raster data. The actual data is contained in
rastersources. To connect a rasterlayer to a rastersource, configure the
rasterlayer's source
field as follows:
"graph": {
"rastersource": [
"<uuid of a rastersource object>"
"name": "rastersource"
Note that the organisations of the rastersource and rasterlayer should be
equal. The raster_sources
field cannot be used to configure the source:
it is merely a (read-only) hyperlink to the /rastersources endpoint.
Instead of directly visualising a raster source, raster layers can also
perform on-the-fly operations on multiple raster sources. This can be done
by extending the above example for the source
field. See
https://docs.lizard.net. Note that the rasterlayers's organisation must
have geoblocks-permissions to be able to use this feature.
If a rasterlayer is deleted, its raster sources (see /rastersources endpoint) will remain available. These need to be cleaned up seperately, or else they will keep using space.
If a rastersource was deleted while there was a rasterlayer referencing it,
the rasterlayer will become broken. In this case, the deleted rastersources
will be listed in the source.deleted_sources
Query parameters:
Text filter on the name
field. All text field filter methods,
like startswith
, endswith
, icontains
are supported.
Filter on uuid
field. UUIDs must be separated by commas and must be
specified in their canonical textual representation (in their
8-4-4-4-12 form, that is). Filtering is case insensitive and may be
done across relationships.
Filter on Organisations
Filter on ObservationType
Filter on LayerCollection
Temporal filter on first_value_timestamp
Temporal filter on last_value_timestamp
Show rasters that make use of a raster_source
with given uuid.
Filter on access_modifier
, options are 'Public', 'Private', 'Common', or 'Hidden'.
Show the results in a specific order.
You can order them by name
, last_modified
, supplier
, access_modifier
, first_value_timestamp
, observation_type
, observation_type__code
, observation_type__unit
, and
. Add a -
in front to reverse the order.
Temporal filter on created
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; created__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
Temporal filter on last_modified
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; last_modified__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
GET /api/v4/rasters/20df58c1-9513-48b9-9e3c-b6257f2b8874/?format=api
{ "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rasters/20df58c1-9513-48b9-9e3c-b6257f2b8874/?format=api", "uuid": "20df58c1-9513-48b9-9e3c-b6257f2b8874", "last_modified": "2019-12-05T13:29:22.743913Z", "created": "2019-10-24T13:33:04.246178Z", "organisation": { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/organisations/474afd21-2f2e-4b4f-8261-5142f1d67acb/?format=api", "uuid": "474afd21-2f2e-4b4f-8261-5142f1d67acb", "name": "Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier" }, "access_modifier": "Public", "supplier": "chris.kerklaan", "shared_with": [], "writable": false, "is_geoblock": true, "source": { "name": "Clip", "graph": { "Clip": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.misc.Clip", "LizardRasterSource", "Reclassify" ], "Group": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.combine.Group", "RasterStoreSource_3", "RasterStoreSource_5" ], "Subtract_1": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.elemwise.Subtract", "Group", "Interpolate" ], "Subtract_2": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.elemwise.Subtract", "RasterStoreSource_1", "RasterStoreSource_2" ], "Reclassify": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.misc.Reclassify", "RasterStoreSource_4", [ [ 15, 1 ], [ 50000, 0 ] ], true ], "Interpolate": [ "raster_store.blocks.Interpolate", "Subtract_2", "EPSG:28992", [ 0.0, 250.0, 0.0, 625000.0, 0.0, -250.0 ] ], "RasterStoreSource_1": [ "lizard_nxt.blocks.LizardRasterSource", "98bf908a-4bed-4635-b2a2-4dbd9efd9b07" ], "RasterStoreSource_2": [ "lizard_nxt.blocks.LizardRasterSource", "6c71161c-e8ca-4899-8b20-c4505f545800" ], "RasterStoreSource_3": [ "lizard_nxt.blocks.LizardRasterSource", "a61657ac-328e-4cdd-97bc-16815206e610" ], "RasterStoreSource_4": [ "lizard_nxt.blocks.LizardRasterSource", "717d343a-acba-49a3-a5bf-c57d98ac08eb" ], "RasterStoreSource_5": [ "lizard_nxt.blocks.LizardRasterSource", "7283ef46-b41f-448a-9e9e-dc884202c069" ], "LizardRasterSource": [ "dask_geomodeling.raster.misc.MaskBelow", "Subtract_1", -10 ] } }, "weight": 12, "raster_sources": [ "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rastersources/98bf908a-4bed-4635-b2a2-4dbd9efd9b07/?format=api", "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rastersources/a61657ac-328e-4cdd-97bc-16815206e610/?format=api", "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rastersources/7283ef46-b41f-448a-9e9e-dc884202c069/?format=api", "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rastersources/6c71161c-e8ca-4899-8b20-c4505f545800/?format=api", "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/rastersources/717d343a-acba-49a3-a5bf-c57d98ac08eb/?format=api" ], "name": "Gemiddeld laagste grondwaterstand - Huidig klimaat", "description": "Deze laag toont de verfijnde GLG-resultaten (0,5 bij 0,5 meter) voor huidig klimaat. Het betreft de Gemiddeld Laagste Grondwaterstanden (GLG) van het Nationaal Watermodel (resultaten september 2017). De grondwaterstanden zijn verfijnd gevisualiseerd met het Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland, versie 3 (AHN3). Resultaat is een verfijnde visualisatie van de grondwaterstanden, waarin lokale laagten zichtbaar worden.\r\n\r\nIn grote lijnen is de opbouw van deze laag als volgt:\r\n\r\nGebruik van raster met rekenresultaat GLG voor huidig klimaat(Nationaal Watermodel, resolutie 250 bij 250 meter);\r\nRuimtelijke interpolatie van deze resultaten voor het creëren van vloeiende overgangen tussen de rekencellen;\r\nBewerking met de AHN3 (resolutie 0,5 bij 0,5 meter) tot grondwaterstanden onder maaiveld;\r\n\r\nIn deze kaart wordt extra informatie gegenereerd door interpolatie en combinatie met de AHN3. Dit levert een verfijnd beeld met een resolutie van 0.5 bij 0.5 meter. Het rekenresultaat is echter nog steeds gebaseerd op het NWM met resolutie van 250 bij 250 meter. De bewerking levert dus geen extra rekenresultaten op. Wel levert de bewerking een bruikbare kaart voor klimaatsessies, omdat deze gemakkelijk te interpreteren is tot op perceelsniveau. Het hoogheemraadschap accepteert geen aansprakelijkheid over onjuiste interpretatie van de kaart. Brondata en aanvullende informatie over het Nationaal Watermodel zijn te vinden via www.klimaateffectatlas.nl", "observation_type": { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/863/?format=api", "id": 863, "code": "GLG_mv", "parameter": "GLG", "unit": "m", "scale": "interval", "description": "", "domain_values": null, "reference_frame": "-MV", "compartment": "GW", "created": "2017-09-12T10:01:40.033301Z", "last_modified": "2019-06-25T07:26:10.441021Z" }, "temporal": false, "layer_collections": [ { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/layercollections/hhnk_klimaatatlas/?format=api", "slug": "hhnk_klimaatatlas", "organisation": { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/organisations/474afd21-2f2e-4b4f-8261-5142f1d67acb/?format=api", "uuid": "474afd21-2f2e-4b4f-8261-5142f1d67acb", "name": "Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier" }, "access_modifier": "Public", "supplier": null, "created": "2019-09-18T07:08:16.480600Z", "last_modified": "2022-05-23T14:24:30.923651Z" } ], "first_value_timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "last_value_timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "spatial_bounds": { "west": 4.489037378593016, "east": 5.38720758743561, "north": 53.21786850266001, "south": 52.31592713962642 }, "projection": "EPSG:28992", "origin_x": null, "origin_y": null, "upper_bound_x": null, "upper_bound_y": null, "pixelsize_x": null, "pixelsize_y": null, "interval": null, "wms_info": { "endpoint": "https://demo.lizard.net/wms/", "layer": "hoogheemraadschap-hollands-noorderkwartier:glg_huidig" }, "options": { "styles": "RdYlGn_r:0:20" }, "colormap": {}, "rescalable": false, "aggregation_type": "curve", "dtype": null, "fill_value": null }