Endpoint for interacting with timeseries metadata.

Query parameters:

uuid Exact filter on uuid.

uuid__in List filter on uuid. UUIDs must be comma separated.

name Filter on name. Filter methods exact and startswith are supported.

code Filter on code. Filter methods exact and startswith are supported.

start: Temporal filter on start. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; start__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

end: Temporal filter on end. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; end__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

value_type Filter on value_type. Choices are integer, float, boolean, text, image, movie, file, float array.

observation_type__id Filter on observation_type__id. Filter method exact is supported.

observation_type__code Filter on observation_type__code. Filter methods exact and startswith are supported.

datasource__id Filter on datasource__id. Filter method exact is supported.

datasource__uuid Filter on datasource__uuid field. Filter method exact is supported.

location__uuid Filter on location__uuid field. Filter method exact is supported.

location__organisation__uuid (Requires also filter on code) Filter on location__organisation__uuid. Filter method exact is supported.

monitoring_network__id Filter on monitoring_network__id. Filter method exact is supported.

access_modifier Filter on access_modifier, options are 'Public', 'Private', 'Common', or 'Hidden'.

created: Temporal filter on created. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; created__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

last_modified: Temporal filter on last_modified. Supports various lookup types (exact, lt, lte, gt, gte; last_modified__exact by default). Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

























GET /api/v4/timeseries/4f2d68b3-8a6d-465c-8c87-0ad484be8f7c/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/timeseries/4f2d68b3-8a6d-465c-8c87-0ad484be8f7c/?format=api",
    "uuid": "4f2d68b3-8a6d-465c-8c87-0ad484be8f7c",
    "code": "WNS9040.censuur",
    "name": "WNS9040.censuur",
    "description": "",
    "start": null,
    "end": null,
    "value_type": "float",
    "last_value": null,
    "interval": null,
    "observation_type": {
        "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/observationtypes/8690/?format=api",
        "id": 8690,
        "code": "WNS9040.censuur",
        "parameter": "Censuurreden stijghoogte",
        "unit": "m",
        "scale": "interval",
        "description": "Censuurreden divermetingen",
        "domain_values": null,
        "reference_frame": "NAP",
        "compartment": null,
        "created": "2022-04-20T12:11:44.533540Z",
        "last_modified": "2023-12-13T13:20:10.380588Z"
    "datasource": null,
    "supplier": null,
    "supplier_code": null,
    "location": {
        "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/locations/8378da9a-b484-440f-8b1f-554d40a3a74d/?format=api",
        "uuid": "8378da9a-b484-440f-8b1f-554d40a3a74d",
        "name": "04FM001003",
        "code": "04FM001003"
    "extra_metadata": {},
    "created": "2023-04-11T22:30:16.954795Z",
    "last_modified": "2023-04-11T22:30:16.954773Z",
    "access_modifier": "Public"