Wms Layer Instance
Endpoint for WMSLayers (read-write).
The options GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE are implemented. When updating (PATCH) user must provide the final list for nested objects. If no list of objects is passed during a partial update the list will remains invariant.
Required fields
slug Identifier for this wms layer.
organisation Organisation for this wms layer.
Query parameters:
Text filter on the name
field. All text field filter methods,
like startswith
, endswith
, icontains
are supported.
uuid Filter on 'uuid' field. UUIDs must be separated by commas and must be specified in their canonical textual representation (in their 8-4-4-4-12 form, that is). Filtering is case insensitive and may be done across relationships.
Filter on Organisations
Filter on Slug
Filter on LayerCollections
Show the results in a specific order.
You can order them by name
, organisation__name
or last_modified
Add a -
in front to reverse the order.
Filter on access_modifier
, options are 'Public', 'Private', 'Common', or 'Hidden'.
Temporal filter on created
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; created__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
Temporal filter on last_modified
. Supports various lookup types
, lt
, lte
, gt
, gte
; last_modified__exact by default).
Filter values should be specified in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.
GET /api/v4/wmslayers/3a21f38b-82e3-4ba3-9145-1b6fe8dc3976/?format=api
https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/wmslayers/3a21f38b-82e3-4ba3-9145-1b6fe8dc3976/?format=api", "uuid": "3a21f38b-82e3-4ba3-9145-1b6fe8dc3976", "name": "Afstand tot Koelte - Oss", "description": "Deze kaartlaag geeft de afstand tot een koele openbare plek vanaf ieder adres weer. Volgens de richtlijnen die zijn opgesteld door de Hogeschool van Amsterdam dient iedere inwoner en werknemer binnen 300 meter van diens woon/werkplek een koele plek te hebben. Een koele plek is gedefinieerd als een openbare verblijfsplek groter dan 300 m2 waar de gevoelstemperatuur op een hete zomerdag niet te hoog oploopt (vergelijkingswaarde: grasveld buiten de stad). Daarnaast moet de koele plek een fijne verblijfplaats zijn.\r\n\r\nOpbouw\r\n\r\nBij de totstandkoming van de afstand van panden tot koele plekken spelen de volgende factoren een rol:\r\n\r\nWegenbestand;\r\nGebouwen;\r\nKoele openbare plekken;\r\nVoor deze kaart is gebruik gemaakt van:\r\n\r\nBasisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (Kadaster)\r\nOpenStreetMap\r\nKoele openbare plekken kaart (Nelen&Schuurmans)\r\n\r\nVerantwoording\r\n\r\nDeze afstand tot koeltekaart is opgebouwd volgens de aanbeveling beschreven door de Hogeschool van Amsterdam: https://www.hva.nl/binaries/content/assets/subsites/kc-techniek/publicaties-klimaatbestendige-stad/hva_2020_hittebestendige_stad_online.pdf", "slug": "1838_as50_afstand_tot_koelte_oss", "get_feature_info": true, "min_zoom": 0, "max_zoom": 31, "tiled": true, "options": { "transparent": "true" }, "wms_url": "https://maps1.klimaatatlas.net/geoserver/as50_klimaatatlas/wms", "legend_url": null, "get_feature_info_url": "https://maps1.klimaatatlas.net/geoserver/as50_klimaatatlas/wms", "organisation": { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/organisations/5d0509a3-699e-41b7-8074-22d66494e093/?format=api", "uuid": "5d0509a3-699e-41b7-8074-22d66494e093", "name": "AS50+" }, "access_modifier": "Public", "supplier": "remo.vantilburg", "shared_with": [], "layer_collections": [ { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/layercollections/as50_klimaatatlas/?format=api", "slug": "as50_klimaatatlas", "organisation": { "url": "https://demo.lizard.net/api/v4/organisations/5d0509a3-699e-41b7-8074-22d66494e093/?format=api", "uuid": "5d0509a3-699e-41b7-8074-22d66494e093", "name": "AS50+" }, "access_modifier": "Public", "supplier": "remo.vantilburg", "created": "2020-05-06T14:57:38.997174Z", "last_modified": "2020-05-07T14:39:30.517746Z" } ], "spatial_bounds": { "south": 51.733032477641906, "west": 5.362665452796623, "north": 51.82801278366312, "east": 5.6966208970326875 }, "download_url": "https://maps1.klimaatatlas.net/geoserver/as50_klimaatatlas/wfs?&request=GetFeature&typeName=1838_as50_afstand_tot_koelte_oss&OutputFormat=shape-zip", "created": "2022-01-19T08:53:05.968196Z", "last_modified": "2022-01-19T08:53:43.602105Z" }{ "url": "